Local Lawyers Serving Highland IL
At Marron Law, we understand the importance of our services to the communities. Marron Law proudly represents clients from Highland, Breese, and other towns in Bond, Clinton, Madison, and St. Clair Counties. Please read more below about each of our services and contact us to get started with a consultation of your legal needs.
Banking & Financial Institutions
We work with small and large lenders to pursue defaulted loans, collateral, mortgage foreclosures, and replevins. We have experience in loan documentation, workouts, restructuring, lender liability, and bankruptcy.
Business Law
(Limited Liability Company, Corporation, and Partnership)
We counsel clients in the formation of business entities and the negotiation of business transactions, including the appropriate business organization for their needs, change of business organization, and transition of the ownership and/or control of their business through buy-sell agreements. We organize and represent closely held businesses, limited liability companies, corporations, general and limited partnerships, joint ventures, and sole proprietorships. We are experienced in representing buyers and sellers of businesses in mergers and acquisitions.

Commercial Litigation
Unlike many business law firms that perform transactional work, we have substantial experience in all phases of the litigation process. We pursue and defend business and commercial including tortious interference with existing or prospective contractual relations and other tort claims, fraud, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary claims.
Contract Law
Binding contracts are an essential tool for conducting your business and personal affairs. We represent clients in all types of contracts, including contracts governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, real estate contracts, construction contracts, and contracts for the purchase and sale of assets, including businesses. We can review contracts before clients sign them in order to point out areas of negotiation, potential liabilities, and red flags to be aware of.
Creditors’ Rights
We assist and counsel creditors pursuing debts, loans, and delinquent accounts. In many cases, being contacted by an attorney is enough to prompt payment of debts without needless escalation. If a lawsuit is necessary, we have experience obtaining judgments and post-judgment collections.
Real Estate Law
We offer a wide range of services relating to real estate, including the preparation of necessary documents to buy or sell real estate, including contracts, deeds, mortgages, and notes. We assist developers in preparing covenants and restrictions for subdivisions. We assist in negotiating, drafting, and reviewing residential and commercial leases as well as prepare options to purchase and right of first refusal agreements.

Government Law
We provide general representation to various townships, fire districts, park districts, water districts, and special districts. Our services range from preparing budget and tax levy ordinances to drafting general ordinances and resolutions to governmental disputes.
Wills & Powers of Attorney
A Will allows an individual to distribute property after they die to those individuals or charities designated. It is the most basic form of asset distribution. Another key component of a Will is that it can also be used to name a guardian for minor children. A Power of Attorney allows the principal to appoint an agent for healthcare and financial decision-making. The Power of Attorney assures the principal that if he or she becomes disabled, even for a short period, everything will still be taken care of by an agent of his or her choosing.
Estate Administration
Whether a person dies with or without a Will, we can assist the family with the process of administering the decedent’s estate. We help our clients and their families navigate the estate administration process in a timely manner.
What My Family Needs to Know
In order to assist your family with important information after you die, we have created this guide, What My Family Needs to Know. Your details will change over time, so you should review them annually to ensure it is current. It is very important that you keep this information in a secure place at all times as it will contain sensitive and confidential information; however, you should inform your executor and trusted family members of its whereabouts.